Prelude To The 58th GRAMMY AWARDS Celebration

Today began with fascination, and culminated with awe. I listened to a female vocalist whose lineage is Persian, a pianist from Japan, and a classical guitarist from Cuba. I marveled at the spectacularly vibrant creative environment within the American experience, as it exploded with the breathtaking opulence of ethereal majestic splendor. The quality of this creative talent had me transfixed. Another amazing thing is this; these individuals, along with their expert musician colleagues, are representative of a group of music creators whose love of the music Art form manifests itself in all imaginable genres. You name a style; and know that someone in this group creates it with panache, aplomb, and excellence. These remarkable individuals create, document, and present visions of the mind, passions of the heart, longings of the soul, and the genius of will that exists within the human condition. Their artful skills are a representation of the luminescent manifestation of Life within the cosmic phenomenon described as ' the Universe'. Their songs are like gossamer wings of faith, hope, and dreams; constantly being presented to elevate the human condition. In addition, they are well regarded as sensitive civic contributors who support community growth and well-being. The accompanying artistic mural (in this site's photo section), a collage of new music CD covers, is a modest, yet true, indicator of the breadth, depth, and beauty of their talent; created for the benefit, pleasure, enlightenment, and elevation of us all. (CD mural by Rupam Sarmah).

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