Fans continue to show much love to MONTY GUY with high levels of streaming and download activity. Supporters are taking advantage of official website upgrades by increasing visits and download requests for catalog material. "I'm gratified to see the high level of interest in my music. I am thrilled that folks enjoy the new music styling of my Original Easy Listening Orchestral Pop", says MONTY. With the frequent inclusion on various GRAMMY® AWARDS Entry Lists, MONTY GUY's music is winning increasing appreciation from fans worldwide. MONTY received invitations from the Recording Academy to participate in the 46th, 48th, 50th (The Golden Anniversary Celebration), the 52nd, and the impending 53rd GRAMMY® AWARDS celebrations. MONTY's consistent GRAMMY® AWARDS presence has included placement on the ALBUM OF THE YEAR, SONG OF THE YEAR, RECORD OF THE YEAR, Best Male R & B Vocal Performance, Best Pop Instrumental Performance, and select Best Instrumental Composition (and Performance), and Best Engineered (Non Classical) Entry Lists. The song arrangements have also received GRAMMY® AWARDS Entry List inclusion. "All along, we have attempted to incorporate originality, song variety, meaningful and uplifting song lyrics, entertaining music arrangements, and enhanced sound engineering quality in the production of our Original Easy Listening Orchestral Pop music style", says MONTY. The increasing popularity is also due to the support of the many digital distribution websites in the international music community that offer MONTY's music catalog for streaming and download enjoyment. Many websites are offering vinyl recordings from early in MONTY's career as noteworthy collectors items. "We're flattered and sincerely appreciative", adds MONTY. The digital distribution websites include,,,,,,, (the official MONTY GUY website), and among many others. We are grateful to our digital distribution website partners including Napster, Verizon, and Spotify for their acceptance and support, says MONTY. On the 53rd GRAMMY® AWARDS celebration front, in addition to having received the official invitation from the Recording Academy to attend the 'L A scene festivities', MONTY's music friends ( artists, composers, producers, sound engineers, the local Recording Academy Chapter, and including the critically important music fans and supporters) have invited him to attend the 53rd GRAMMY® AWARDS celebration party in Washington, DC. That GRAMMY® AWARDS Telecast Party is always spectacular, says MONTY. We have indications that Music's Biggest Night in February, 2011 is going to be thrilling, enjoyable, and spectacular; and there are always pleasant surprises both on and off stage; Pre-, During, and Post-Telecast. "It'll be huge all the way around; where ever you choose to be to celebrate the exciting and interesting 53rd GRAMMY® AWARDS Celebration", says MONTY.

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