MONTY GUY OKs Website Upgrade;But admits to Crisis

This is the deal, folks. Due to increasing fan requests, website traffic, and the desire to stay in close contact with supporters, we are upgrading the website at We are creating more space for more interesting news and exchange about the music productiion milieu; and about our own projects. The main problem the way I see it, says MONTY GUY, is that this is a music creation project. We don't want to get all caught up in 'it looks like this, and it looks like that'. Quite simply, we want to create some nice, new, interesting, pleasant, and original music; and chat about the overall music production scene. We want to be in touch with music fans. We want to keep it simple, yet pleasant. We want to stay in step with technology for ease of access to music goings on. Seems like it's becoming more about website design glitz, and less about the music; the songs; and how they make us feel; and how the melodies speak to us. I would appreciate input from music fans on this whole website upgrade thing...while we wrestle with it; along with new music production efforts.

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